Have you ever found yourself in this place? The Lull. The place in your journey where it just seems to be uneventful! If we're not moving with the advancement of the Kingdom, we can find ourselves floating with no bearing. When the wind isn't blowing, man the oars and start rowing! Don't just wait for the wind, MOVE! Look at Paul in the book of Acts. In chapter 16 It's quite obvious he's not just standing around waiting for the wind to blow. He's moving. And when he started to go somewhere he shouldn't have, God didn't allow it. God guided him, you see! He was just moving, rowing that boat if you will, knowing that God would guide him along the way. I think God stills the waters and the wind to see if we're either gonna sit there and wait for the wind to blow, or to see if we grab the oars and start rowing until we find wind again. Am I making sense? What I'm saying is that we can sit around and wait for God encounters to keep our faith moving. Or we can get off our lazy bums and start living in our faith. Read ( God help with me this one! ). Find time to fast and pray. Get alone with God and just worship him! And always bring the Kingdom with you wherever you go. Be Spirit filled! And in God's timing, you will find your bearing and the winds will fill your sails and move you forward once more.
P.S. The better you get at sailing this ship the less frequently you'll hit dead waters.